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We want everyone to have unrestricted access to our website, regardless of their individual abilities. That is why we are continuously working on making our digital presence barrier-free. Measures implemented:

For people with visual impairments

1. Semantic HTML structure

  • Use of appropriate HTML elements for clear structuring
  • Use of ARIA landmarks to improve navigation
  • Correct heading hierarchy (<h1> to <h6>) for logical content structure

2. Optimal colour contrast

  • Compliance with WCAG AA guidelines (contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text)
  • Use of contrast testing tools to ensure readability

3. Flexible text sizes

  • Use of relative units (em, rem) instead of fixed pixel size
  • Test the website at 200% zoom without horizontal scrolling or overlapping

4. Meaningful alternative texts

  • Provide informative “alt” attributes for images
  • Use aria-label for interactive elements without descriptive text
  • Empty altattributes for decorative elements

For people with motor impairments

1. Full keyboard operability

  • Implementation of a ‘Jump to content’ link at the top of the page
  • Logical tab order for all interactive elements
  • Use of focus traps in modals to improve the user experience

2. Visible focus indicators

  • Design of clearly recognisable focus styles
  • Adaptation of focus styles to the overall design of the website
  • Consideration of different input methods (mouse, keyboard, touch)

3. Generous interaction area

  • Design of buttons with a minimum size of 44x44 pixels (according to WCAG)
  • Sufficient spacing between clickable elements to avoid incorrect input

For all users

1. Reduced motion

  • Respect for the prefers-reduced-motion setting of the operating system

2. Responsive design

  • Flexible adaptation to different screen sizes
  • Use of CSS media queries for device-specific adaptations

Implementing these measures not only makes a website accessible, but also offers all users an improved and inclusive user experience.

Continuous improvement

For us, accessibility is an ongoing process. We are open to feedback and suggestions for improvement. If you have difficulties using our website or ideas for improving accessibility, we welcome your feedback.
