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PREMIERE, Comedia, Cologne

Ticket sales pending

Comedia, Cologne

Ticket sales pending

Comedia, Cologne

Ticket sales pending

Comedia, Cologne

Ticket sales pending

Further performances will follow.

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Sanat Ensemble Schauspieler
Sanat Ensemble Musiker
Sanat Ensemble Chor
Sanat Ensemble mit Tony Dunham

Sanat Ensemble

The ensemble is a group of some 20 actors and musicians from the Cologne area. Initially called ‘Art Ensemble’, this was changed to avoid confusion with a similarly named group. Hence the Turkish version: ‘Sanat Ensemble’.

The actors are established members of Cologne’s independent theatre scene. They are ‘young and need money’, to quote rapper Eko Fresh, who is also involved in the project as a lyricist. And they are all exceptional singers.

The photos on this website

The legendary Cologne photographer Gernot Huber has generously made his photographs available for this project. Although taken 50 years ago, Huber’s photos of the Ford strike are still deeply moving and stimulate interest about the “wild” 1970s and the fates of the people depicted. After the strike, Gernot Huber devoted himself intensively to the so-called “guest workers” and their families. He documented their everyday lives, their living conditions and their children. We include a photo gallery with a selection of these images.

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Huber met his colleague Günay Ulutunçok, who moved to Cologne in 1976. Ulutunçok founded laif, a photography agency that later gained worldwide renown and in which Huber was involved. We are delighted that Günay photographed the Sanat Ensemble for this website.

Team page

Ford Streik nachts, Köln 1973. Foto: Gernot Huber
Ford strike at night, Cologne 1973. Photo: Gernot Huber

Baha and the Wild Seventies
on tour

Beginning in the autumn of 2025, the Sanat Ensemble will present “Baha and the Wild Seventies”. Following the premiere on 10 October 2025 in Cologne, the musical will go on tour and visit a number of other major cities.

Contact us directly if you are interested in promoting this unique musical in your city. We are happy to discuss details.

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